Strongman Support Services Ltd does all that is reasonably practicable to prevent injury and damage to property and to protect everyone from foreseeable work hazards. Employees are encouraged to attain high standards of safety.
The Managing Director is responsible for the Health & Safety of the employees of the company.
Strongman management meet regularly and consider any matters relevant to the health and safety of employees and make recommendations as to appropriate actions to be taken.
Strongman Support Services Ltd has the following particular responsibilities:
- To comply with all Government legislation, appropriate Health and Safety Regulations, Codes of Practise and Guidance Notes that establish the minimum standards of safety and health. The company will, subject to law, seek to develop, maintain and improve these minimum standards whenever possible.
- To obtain, where necessary, expert advice to detect the risks to health and safety in the work of the company and the relevant precautions.
- To provide and maintain safe and healthy working conditions considering any statutory requirement.
- To provide and maintain plant and equipment as required for safe working conditions.
- To provide all relevant information, instruction and necessary training to employees, in respect of risks to their health and safety, which may arise out of their work, or at their place of work.
- To make available all necessary safety devices and protective equipment and to provide instruction, information, training and supervision in their use.
- To consult with employees on health and safety matters and in particular with individual employees before giving them particular health and safety responsibilities.
- To maintain a constant and continuing interest in health and safety matters applicable to the company’s activities and for its management to set an example in safe behaviour.
Employees have a legal obligation to co-operate in this objective.
- By working safely and efficiently.
- In using the protective equipment provided and meeting statutory obligations.
- By reporting accidents/incidents that have led or may lead to injury or damage.
- Through following Company procedures jointly agreed for them for securing a safe place of work.
- By helping in the investigation of accidents/incidents and introducing measure to prevent recurrence.
Information on the organisation and arrangements in support of this policy will be made available to all employees by posting details on the Company’s notice boards or by providing a personal copy.
Strongman Support Services Ltd will continually review and update this document as its business activities change in nature and size.